It is possible to pay directly on-line via credit cards. For payments made by credit card, the amount charged will be debited to your card immediately once your order has been confirmed. We recommend that you print out a copy of your order for your reference.
First of all, inquire about shipping costs to the post office and other shipping services. In this way you can find the cheapest shipping method to return your order (often the mail offers the most convenient prices), this in case the error in the material is due to the customer.
In the event that the return is attributable to our mistake or because the product is damaged during delivery, or if the product is faulty, the shipping cost of the return will be at our expense.
Only for Italy: by choosing the payment in Cash on delivery you have the possibility to pay the goods directly to the courier upon delivery. The amount to be paid must be paid to the courier in cash or check at the time of delivery.
Iban: IT90 Q053 8702 4260 0003 5074 103
Bic/Swift: BPMOIT22XXX